
Great choice! Let’s get your cover started.

Outreach Sign Up (v16) - 12 November 2024
Insured's Details (Name must match passport)
Family Members' Details (ONLY family members that will be on this policy)
Spouse (Name must match passport)
Child 1 (Name must match passport)
Child 2 (Name must match passport)
Child 3 (Name must match passport)
Child 4 (Name must match passport)
Child 5 (Name must match passport)
Email Address (In order to ensure your email is reachable, kindly check that you receive a notification email shortly after submission of this form)
Mobile Phone Number (Please provide the best mobile phone number to reach you)
Country of Residence (The country where you live for more than six months of the year)
Country of Destination (The country you are travelling to)
Communication Preferences *

If you are in a country where language relating to Christianity or missions could compromise your ministry, we are able to modify our communication methods and language to remove all references to anything that may be sensitive. Note: Sensitive communications will also remove references to Talent Trust, and may mean that you will not receive all of our communications.

Church or Mission
Purpose of Trip
When You Need Coverage
Additional Options Note: The option, if purchased, must be applied to all dependants on the policy

All prices are quoted in US$.

This option is for members serving near their home country. It extends the medical benefit to cover up to US$50,000 or thirty (30) days (whichever comes first) should a member be evacuated to his/her home country (being the nearest country with appropriate medical facilities to the place of incident) during a medical emergency.

Note: Without this option, should a Plan 1 member be evacuated to his/her country of domicile or country of residence, all medical treatment costs incurred would become the member's own responsibility.

Normally Outreach Plan 1 will not cover expenses that arise within the United States. This option will cover accident and emergency treatment in the USA for members travelling in transit through an airport in the USA to a destination outside of the USA up to US$50,000 or thirty (30) days, whichever comes first.

To waive the excess of US$50 for each claim outside the USA and US$100 for each claim inside the USA.

Payment Details
Credit Card Details

When your policy is set up, we will email you the credit card payment link.
Organization Details

By clicking the 'Submit' button below, you are declaring that you have read, understood, and agree to the following 5 points:

  • I declare that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms of my choosen plan:
    Outreach Plan 1 Table of Benefits and Benefits Guide.
    Outreach Plan 2 Table of Benefits and Benefits Guide.
  • I declare that all the information supplied for all persons on this enrollment form is accurate and complete.
  • I understand that no cover is provided for professional sporting activities.
  • I understand that I may not complete this enrollment until all material facts* connected with this enrollment have been declared in full, without misstatement or misrepresentation, and have been accepted by us in writing. I understand that failure to do so will result in cover being void from inception.
  • I understand that pre-existing conditions are not covered. (A pre-existing condition is any disease, illness or injury, secondary or associated complaint for which you have sought or received advice, treatment, therapy, or been submitted to a special diet - whether or not the condition has been diagnosed).

* A material fact is any information that may affect our assessment or acceptance of your enrollment for insurance. If you are unsure as to whether any piece of information is a material fact, it should be declared.

If you have questions, please email us, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



If you require assistance,
please email our support team at:

Email: info@talent-trust.com
Skype: ttc.insurance
Phone, WhatsApp: +60 (11) 1051 2677
Working hours:
Monday to Friday 10am – 6pm, GMT +8

Enter your email/WhatsApp and we'll get back to you:

Request for Assistance filling in a Quote or Signup
