2021 Omega Policy Changes

Changes will take effect for all policies renewing on or after May 1st 2021


Premium reduction of 6.7%

New Benefits

Omega 2020

Omega 2021

1Vaccination BenefitN/AUp to $250 applicable for vaccinations including COVID19
2Investigation into InfertilityN/AUp to $2,500 (lifetime max)

Improved Benefits

Omega 2020

Omega 2021

1Inpatient Care, Reconstructive Surgery & Rehabilitation$600 per day up to 240 daysCovered in full (Limited to standard private room)
2Intensive Care Unit$1,500 per day up to 180 daysCovered in full
3Outpatient Care$5,000Covered in full
4Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy$60 per treatmentCovered in full (Specialist review needed after 20 sessions)
5Alternative Treatment$60 per treatment up to 20 sessions20 sessions covered in full
6Outpatient MRI, CT Scan, PET Scan, echocardio- graphy, endoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and cystoscopyLimited to US$1,000 per examinationCovered in full

Cheaper Option

Omega 2020

Omega 2021

1Travel Option price reductionWas $137 / person / yearNow $30 / person / year